Tips to Secure Your Desktop and Mobile

As far I know I have always been a prone to online virus mainly from torrent and internet pirated downloads, this can lead your desktop to leak all your private information to Hacker and deep internet.

And If an hacker get access to you Desktop they can get access to your bank account. Adding keyloggers, Viruses, ETC

Tips to secure

  • Antivirus

    Using an antivirus which is still not update is waste, update your antivirus daily takes only 5 mins to safe your entire life. Using an secure antivirus to protect yourself
  • Firewall

    IF you are using windows firewall and think you are secure. The fact is most of Trojan can bypass your antivirus here Firewall plays a role to protect you from virus
  • Updating your Software

    If you are using a particular software daily, update it daily and do not install more software's in your computer can reduce your internet speed and computer speed
  • Proper Computer Shutdown

    Shutdown of Computer plays a great role in Securing your computer because when it is shutting down it recollects what you have down all day and removes all the caches and minor virus and dump files and corrupted software
  • Backup

    Always backup your browser and software because incase even if you are a victim to this virus you got a backup to protect yourself.

  • Use a Password to Login And Never save you password

    Always use a strong password to protect yourself and never save your password anywhere in your computer


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