Explanation of Each Tab in Blogger

Understanding a Blog is Very Easy for some you are computer but some you are new to website and want to know about each tab in blog then this is for you

They are a total of 11 Tabs in a Blog + can be more for some weirdos

  1. Posts
  2. Stats
  4. Earnings
  5. Campaigns
  6. Pages
  7. Layout
  8. Theme
  9. Settings
  10. Reading List
  11. Help

For each tab they may be sub tabs for some, Tabs in blogger made it more organized and help blogger's locate what ever they what easily, But these may change some times because of Blogger update (Yearly , Monthly)

  • Posts
Post in Blogger means a history of all the content which you have posted till now
Post also haves a Draft ( Not yet Published), Scheduled ( Published but for Future), Published (Self Explanatory)
  • Stats
Analysts  of your Blog or Website View (LIVE) shows most Popular post , Traffic Sources (means which link from where they are coming to your Blog), Audience (Demographics )

  • Comments
Real Life People who viewed your blog and commented in it (they liked it, they want something, they want more), ETC

  • Earning
Blogger is Connected with adsense which will allow you to earn money from it once you have reached the eligibility of adsense Qualifications 

  • Campaigns
This pretty much means Donate Money = Views in your Webpage  or At least people will witness your link

  • Pages
This Tab does not mean any form of post in the pages you need to link it with you blog in order to be viewed . Example Page of About me or Disclaimer site, Copyright ,ETC

  • Layout
When you have a template installed for a blogger, you can customize how it looks , changes in it , editing , ETC

  • Theme
It is an Advance Form of Layout Where you can Back up your theme or edit you theme, Need some knowledge of Coding

  • Setting
This tab has 7 extra Sub Tabs which are Basic, Post ...., Email, Lang, Search, Other, User
I wouldn't further in this as wrong selection in this may lead your blog to be not viewed by every one

  • Reading List
This option is rarely Used by people this shows all the blogs of people who you follow or subscribe


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