7 Big Business Mistakes

Mistakes can be expensive in any business. It can hurt your profits and reputation.  Below is a list of online business mistakes you should avoid in 2017 to stay profitable and competitive. Some of them are applicable to offline businesses as well.

  • 1. Ignoring your email list

Size of your email list doesn’t matter if you don’t email them regularly. Don’t just send offers. Share something of value to them and build a relationship. You need to send an email at least once a week.

  • 2. Relying only on email

People are spending more time checking social media posts than email. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc provide excellent platforms to connect with your audience and interact with them. If you like making videos, start a youtube channel. If you prefer wiring, start a blog.

  • 3. Avoid spending all your time online

A successful business requires you to spend more time offline. You will be more creative when you disconnect from the internet. Go for a walk, take a notepad and start scribbling whatever comes to your mind, shoot a video, and meet people in your business.

  • 4. Doing everything by yourself

Doing everything on your own can be overwhelming. It is important for you to focus on important tasks. Hire a virtual assistant to do the trivial tasks. If it is important and requires expertise, you can outsource to freelancers in sites like Upwork.

  • 5. Not being an expert

Don’t be a generalist. Choose a field you want to specialize, dive deep, learn from the experts, read books, attend seminars, and never stop learning. Become a go-to person in your field.

If you want to learn the secrets of highly paid experts, grab the FREE copy of “Expert Secrets” by Russell Brunson.

  • 6. Creating shallow content

Google is rewarding amazing content that people value and share. Research and creativity are very important for content creation.If you are not producing that kind of stuff, don’t even bother.

  • 7. Channel surfing

Social media is important for an online business, but it can also be a distraction for entrepreneurs. Focus is very important for creativity and productivity. Block these sites when you are working on something important.


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