How to Earn $1500 a Day From Youtube From Home?
How People Actually make Money From YouTube? How does it work? I am going to start with explaining Google Adsense with YouTube. You make a google adsense account and link it to your channel (look it up). Just think of yourself as someone being used, but being used in somewhat of a good way. A Google Adsense company can place ads in and around your video, allowing for your viewers to see them. This is basically a paid product placement but with you only getting paid based on the amount of people who actually see/click the ads. There is also a catch, and this is also where you are being "used", because they'll get a cut of your revenue. For the most part, Google gets the majority of the income, but I still think its a privilege. You can do what you love, but with an unsteady income. It is cool that you can make money, but , just a tip, don't do YouTube for the money. You'll begin to expect too much money/views and miss out on the real reason to do YouTube, to pr...