How to log into facebook in school if blocked by admin

Hi friends, I think you are enjoying my tricks. Many of my friends from different colleges has asked me the process to open facebook in college labs as it is blocked there. Its true in my case also. Our college has blocked all the social networking sites. So whenever I open any social networking site then we get a message "ACCESS DENIED". It frustrates a lot. But don't worry, today I am going to tell you a simple process by which you can access fb anywhere. This trick
simply installs an add on which is anonymous proxy.
You don't need administrator privilege to install add-on, you can install from guest also. With anonymoX you are able to bypass many kinds of blocks by jelling a virtual Identity in another Country with only a few mouse clicks.

anonymoX enables you to...
change your IP address
browse the www anonymously
visit blocked/censored websites
bypass GeoIp-Blocks: appear to originate from another country
set separate anonymization settings for each website
delete cookies, show your public ip, change browser id,  ....

Just follow this simple procedure:
1. For firefox users:
Click here to download and install add-on.
2. After installing add on restart your firefox browser. It will take approx 10 sec to install add on.
3. When you open firefox now, wait for 5-10 sec to connect it to proxy server. After that you may open facebook or orkut or any social networking site.

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Enjoy hacking.


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