Pendrive shortcut Remove
How to Remove Shortcut Virus Permanently From USB Flash Drive, Memory Card and Computer We are now in a digital age where everyone saves their important files in computer, hard drive, Pen drive, flash drive and memory card. That is the advantages in this digital age and there is also a disadvantages like viruses, such as worms, Trojan and shortcut virus that can infect your important files. Worms, Trojan, and many viruses can be prevented and deleted by using Antivirus program. The problem with these antivirus programs is that sometimes they cannot detect the shortcut virus. In my experienced if the antivirus detected the shortcut viruses in your flash drive or memory card the antivirus will delete all the shortcut folders/files and your original files will be hidden. That's where the frustration begins when you think that your files are deleted, especially if you have a PowerPoint presentation in your major subject lol.! What is shortcut virus and how it works? The...